Thursday, November 4, 2010
The latest info coming out of our local and state elections offices says things remain the same.
State senate candidate Michael Baumgartner, a Republican, is still way ahead of Democratic Sen. Chris Marr, who conceded defeat yesterday.
Spokane County Commish Bonnie Mager still trails Al French in the race to keep her seat. Not by much, though. The two are still just 1,800 votes apart — and the Spokane County Elections office says they still have 65,000 ballots to count. Neither has conceded.
Statewide, U.S. Sen. Patty Murray pulled further ahead of Dino Rossi. She's ahead by 50,000 votes, thanks mainly to late Democratic voters in King County.
Still, the news of Tuesday is unchanged: the bloodbath, the shellacking, the Republican Revolution Redux remains.
Tags: Election 2010 , News