Monday, January 24, 2011
The wheels on the bus will stop — The Spokane Transit Authority is proposing to cut eight bus routes and 18 driver positions to save $3 million annually. Sorry, Gus. Take a cab. (SR)
Deadly shootout at Port Orchard Walmart — Two people are dead and two sheriff's deputies are injured in Kitsap County after a confrontation with a gunman at a Walmart. (Seattle Times)
First EWU, then the Seahawks, now Pruitt — Spokane paralympic Austin Pruitt took the bronze yesterday in the men's 200-meter race in the 2011 IPC Athletic World Championships, which is being held in Christchurch, New Zealand. This is the first world championship medal for Pruitt, who is 16. (SR)
Inventor of jumping jack dies — Jack LaLanne died this weekend at the age of 96. LaLanne is credited with being the "spiritual father" of today's fitness movement. (Atlantic Wire)
Tags: morning headlines , News