Friday, February 18, 2011

MORNING HEADLINES: Tribal police, prowling predators. It's Friday!

Posted on Fri, Feb 18, 2011 at 8:59 AM

"We're all Idahoans" — Despite this plea, a bill that would allow Coeur d'Alene Tribal Police to arrest non-Indians failed to pass in the Idaho Legislatue. (SR)

Passel o' cats — Meet the man behind the photos of eight cougars in Moses Coulee. (KXLY)

"Main Street" gets brushoff —  Idaho attorney general says Wall Street and federal TARP bailout have both hurt the little guy. (SR)

Open hand, not fist — The brother of First Nations woodcarver killed by a police officer tries to maintain the calm. (Seattle P-I)

Flying Facebook One — President Obama "friends" Mark Zuckerberg, other tech honchos in a meet-up with Silicon Valley types. Hope they figure out the privacy settings. (BBC)

Prime Minister of Love — Political cartoonists hoist Italy's Sylvio Berlusconi on his own, um, petard. (NPR)

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