Wednesday, September 7, 2011
Harpham to plead to two charges — Kevin Harpham, who is accused of leaving a bomb near this year's MLK Day Parade, will is expected today to plead guilty to two unspecified charges in exchange for having two others dismissed. (Bloglander)
Condon blasts Verner over Zehm case — The mayoral candidate calls the administration's handling of the case an "indictment." (SR)
All quiet on the northern front — Border patrol agents in Port Angeles say that, 10 years after 9/11, they're wasting time and money. (KXLY)
Cops on Segways in Sandpoint — The city is weighing the pros and cons of putting officers on Segways as the test period closes. (Bonner County Daily Bee)
Republican debate tonight — The old pool of candidates will finally get its chance to test newcomer Rick Perry. (NYT)
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