Tuesday, October 4, 2011
Pot farmer shoots would-be weed thief — A medical marijuana grower in Hillyard shot in the head a man who was trying to pinch his crop. (SR)
Neighbors feel aftershocks of soda-machine explosion — The vending machine in front of Broadway Foods in West Central blew up for as-yet-unknown reasons, and neighbors heard it down the block. (KXLY)
Neighbors feel aftershocks of bank implosion — The Bank of Whitman's failure in August is causing reverberations around the region. (SR)
Key rulings in Thompson case — A judge is expected to rule today on whether Karl Thompson, the officer charged with excessive force in the Otto Zehm case, should get outside jurors, among other things. (KXLY)
Jonathan Ellington may be released — The Idaho man was convicted of second-degree murder in 2006, but his conviction was thrown out after it was found that a witness lied on the stand. (We wrote all about him.) His next trial is to begin this fall. (CdA Press)
Amanda Knox, declared innocent, returns to Seattle (Seattle Times)
New iPhone today? (Apple)
Out There
The never-ending nightmare of Amanda Knox (Rolling Stone)
Darth Vader's yacht in Greece (Boing Boing)
Demystifying the science of acupuncture (The Atlantic)
Why Apple's new iPhone might make you drool (The Atlantic)
Money dispute may end Simpsons (The Daily Beast)
Make-up makes women seem more competent, study says (ABC News)
Spain's stolen-baby scandal (Global Post)
Portraits of an aging superhero (HuffPo)
A cool robot tea infuser (Boing Boing)
T.R. Reid speaks on health care at Auntie's — Reid, who wrote the book(s) on health care, will talk about his new edition and why America lags behind everybody else in caring for its sick.
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