Friday, November 18, 2011

Humor Us: This Weekend in Comedy

Posted By on Fri, Nov 18, 2011 at 12:53 PM

If you loooove getting heckled, you'll also love comedian Morgan Preston. The comedian waltzes through our region from time to time, speaking of weed, children, and (if I remember correctly from his set last February) sex. Also, I have a hazy memory of a story about something bad happening to his junk... In any case, don't be a wuss about getting picked on. It's all in good fun.

Head down to Uncle D's Comedy Underground at the usual 8 pm start time and pay the usual $12 entry fee. In the name of learning, visit for more info on the dude.

Also performing with Preston is Nick Theisen, who is apparently like a rare bird — not even five entire minutes with Google can hunt down much personal information on the man. All we know is "You've heard him on television and radio. Nick's even better in 3-D," reads Uncle D's website. This could be a good opportunity to engage in a conversation about what dimension, exactly, radio falls into, but it's Friday and I don't feel like science (or additional Googling) right now. Later, friends. Later.

If you're craving some improv, the Blue Door has you covered. Tonight 3 Chairs and the Truth will be rockin' both long- and short-form improv stuff. People with imaginations are awesome. Head to the Blue Door tonight at 10 pm and pay the good people $7.

You can show up two hours earlier to the Blue Door for their "Family Dinner" improv series. It costs $7-$9 dollars, depending on how old you are.


More Morgan Preston and Nick Theisen. You are officially dared to go twice. See if they notice.

Blue Door. Bringin' it. Once again. Tonight is their "Safari" improv series. Always new material, every week. It'll set you back $7-$9 and starts at 9 pm.

In an exciting diversion from the normal comedy hot spots, the University of Idaho is hosting its very own White Tie Improv group, which puts on about 11 shows a semester. Go support the up-and-comers. Plus, beer in Moscow is cheap. Yee-haw. Call 208-885-7251 for more information. Oh, and the show starts at 8.

Have comedy going on? Please tell me about it. Send an email to [email protected]

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