Monday, December 19, 2011
Around Town
Slide on — Spokane county's risk manager tried to put a halt to the practice of using snow plows to haul stranded motorists out of ditches. But plow drivers resisted, and so they compromised. (SR)
Home invader shot — It appears that a pair of baseball bat wielding teens picked the wrong Medical Lake home to rob. (KHQ)
Woe to SPD — The Associated Press examines the frayed relationship between the Spokane Police Department and the public. (Seattle Times)
Out There
The new North Korea — Kim Jong Il's dead. What does this mean for the Hermit Kingdom? (Washington Post)
VP arrest warrant — Iraq issues an arrest warrant against its own vice president. The worry is that arresting the vice president, a member of the Sunni minority, could reignite the country's ethnic tensions. (NY Times)
Tags: morning briefing , News