Thursday, February 23, 2012

Morning Briefing: Nobody's particularly happy about the DUI cop who got re-hired, with back pay.

Posted on Thu, Feb 23, 2012 at 9:39 AM

Around Town

Prospective po po — Candidates for Kootenai County Sheriff had a debate last night where they attacked each other's credibility and tried to figure out how to cut costs. Just like the Republican presidential candidate's debate. (CDA Press)

Outcry unleashed — Even the people who OK'd it aren't happy with the idea of a cop who crashed into a car while drunk getting his job back, with back pay. (SR)

Meanwhile, in Cheney — Tears and adoration greeted the news that the local school superintendent is stepping down. (Cheney Free Press)

Out and About

The shooter of a state trooper in Bremerton is still at large (Seattle Times)

A very bad week for journalists in Syria (BBC)

After each debate, one candidate has to face a reckoning for something they said. Today it's Sanoturm's turn. (NY Times)

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