Thursday, April 12, 2012

We Love All-Agers: April 12-18

Posted By on Thu, Apr 12, 2012 at 9:32 AM

Lots of all-ages shows this week! As always, you can pick up a paper copy of The Inlander and look at our music listings for the blue stars: those shows are open to fans of any age. 

Thursday, 4/12

A Club, Guitar Night feat. Ewan Dobson, Gareth Pearson, Matthew Sintos, Craig D'Andrea

Baby Bar, Andrew Taylor, Ian Miles, Wombo Combo, True FO, Grew Up and Died

The Hop!, Word One, Aubrey Major, B Vicious, Brandon B, Jay Fleezy, Twitch MC

Friday, 4/13

A Club, KYRS Benefit feat. The Federales

The Hop! Scary Jane, Morbid Inc, Chouls Crypt, A Stagnant Motion, Mosaik USA, Dysfunktynal Kaos

Knitting Factory, Blistered Earth Metallica Tribute Band, Damn the Sun, White Knuckle

Mezzo Pazzo Wine Bar, Ken Davis, Danny Rodriguez

Mikey's Gyros (Moscow), King Elephant, Tim Blood and the Gutpanthers, Art Fad

Museum of Arts & Culture, Begin! feat. Nude (see story here)

Saturday, 4/14

The Hop! The Sammus Theory, 5 Times Over, Victims of Negligence, Faded Identity, Somatic, the Brown Notes, Tap Wielding Heathers

Sunday, 4/15

A Club, The Word Alive, In Fear & Faith, For All Those Sleeping, Casino Madrid, Adestria, Light Up the Sky

Monday, 4/16

The Hop!, The Ongoing Concept, Vultra, One Match Left, Hero Shine, the Monroe Divide

Knitting Factory, Lacuna Coil, Otherwise

Tuesday, 4/17

A Club, K. Flay (see story here), Jaeda, Cherub

Wednesday, 4/18

Scout, Eternal Fair, Liz Rognes

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Leah Sottile

Leah Sottile is a Spokane-based freelance writer who formerly served as music editor, culture editor and a staff writer at the Inlander. She has written about everything from nuns and Elvis impersonators, to jailhouse murders and mental health...