Thursday, October 25, 2012
Around here
People are getting their vote on in Kootenai County. (CDA Press)
A man shot to death Friday by Stevens County Police was a Vietnam veteran who suffered PTSD. His family is still trying to figure out what happened in the altercation. (SR)
Crosswalk Youth Shelter is slashing hours after losing $115,000 in grants. (SR)
Out there
Despite the American promise to protect Afghan citizens who help the U.S. mission there, there's a serious backlog in the visa process. That leaves many applicants, like those who've served as translators for the U.S. military, in danger at home. (WashPo)
Poaching elephants for ivory is up in Tanzania, thanks to a market for it in Asia and lax rules in Africa. (NPR)
Former U.S. Secretary of State Colin Powell endorses Obama again. (Reuters)
Google Maps street view. UNDER WATER!
Tags: morning brief , Spokane , morning , news , headlines , Kootenai county , Video