Friday, December 7, 2012

GOOD READS: drugs, destruction and football

Posted By on Fri, Dec 7, 2012 at 3:28 PM

Time for another GOOD READS blog. Each week, Inlander staffers share five-ish of our favorite stories in hopes you'll love them too. Use them to speed up your Friday afternoon, or bookmark them for your morning coffee over the weekend. Then let us know what you think! Love 'em? Hate 'em? Read anything great lately?

1. "The Insourcing Boom" (Charles Fishman//The Atlantic)

A must-read about a return of industry to the United States.

2. "Portrait of the Artist on Crystal Meth" (Jon Ronson//The Guardian)

One man has created 50 self-portraits under the influence of various drugs. Now they're making him famous, and he hates it.

3. "Persistent genital arousal disorder brings woman agony, not ecstasy" (Leonora LaPeter Anton//Tampa Bay Times)

A life lived in and ended from torture no one else could understand

4. "Destroying Detroit (in Order to Save It)" (Howie Kahn//GQ)

Not brand-new, but still fascinating — the story of the men who demolished abandoned houses in Detroit.

5. "4:52 on Christmas Morning(Dan P. Lee//New York Magazine)

The story of what's left a year after a fire raged in Stamford, Connecticut.

BONUS! "The story of Bo and Joe(Michael Weinreb//Grantland)

How the greatest athlete of our time forever changed the life of a kid named Dudek.

Find even more good reads over here

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Heidi Groover

Heidi Groover was a staff writer at the Inlander from 2012-2014.