Thursday, January 31, 2013

Mayor to give State of City speech next week

Posted By on Thu, Jan 31, 2013 at 11:27 AM

Spokane, get ready for a whole lot of this guy up in your grill . . .

Mayor David Condon will give his State of the City speech next Friday, Feb. 8, during a 7:30 am meeting at the Spokane Convention Center. If you're too lazy to wake up, he'll give it again — Spokane needs to hear it twice! —at City Council Chambers on Friday, Feb. 22, at noon.

What will he talk about? Maybe budget and police cuts and more money for police and water rates and streamlining government. What won't he talk about? Maybe those big pay raises he gave a few city managers

For a relaxing time, make it City Hall Eyeball time.

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