Friday, March 8, 2013

Looking back on Spokane Restaurant Week, in video

Posted By on Fri, Mar 8, 2013 at 3:18 PM

Videographer Nathan Brand went out during first-ever Spokane Restaurant Week to talk with the restaurants and organizers about the event. 

“I’m excited to see what next year brings,” says Loyd Keehner, general manager of Post Street Ale House. “I think starting off with over 50 restaurants in the first round — next year should be a lot bigger, a lot more fun.”

Here's the video:


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Lisa Waananen

Lisa Waananen is the web editor and a staff writer at the Inlander. She specializes in data and graphics, and her recent cover stories have been about family history, the legacy of Spokane photographer Charles A. Libby and genetically modified food...