Friday, May 17, 2013

PHOTOS: Making local food at Heron Pond Farms

Posted By on Fri, May 17, 2013 at 10:41 AM

You won't find very much local food at Fred Meyer, Safeway or Walmart. This week, staff writer Heidi Groover explores the lack of accessibility to locally produced food and the people who are trying to change that

The photos below are from Heron Pond Farms, just south of 57th Ave., which produces different varieties of goat cheese. Their goudas, cheddars and tower mountain cheeses are distributed to local restaurants and the Main Market.

(Photos by Young Kwak)

Heron Pond Farms co-owner Lorie Arnold pets her goats.

Arnold walks with her goats.

Arnold: "You're not going to get anything more local than right here."

Goats munch on hay at Heron Pond Farms.

Goats eat hay at Heron Pond Farms.

Arnold waters her goats.

Arnold pets one of her goats.

Arnold holds some barley, used as goat feed.

Farm Assistant Ian Case milks a goat by hand.

Case escorts goats back outside after milking them.

Case prepares to pour fresh goat milk into containers.

Case pours fresh goat milk into a container.

Arnold looks at a fresh batch of goat cheese.

The farm produces several varieties including Truffle Tower, top, Tower Mountain, middle, and Cheddar. Not pictured are Gouda, Black Gouda and Beer Soaked Gouda.

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Young Kwak

Young Kwak is a photographer at the Inlander. He has worked on stories ranging from silver mining and cattle ranching to car racing and backyard wrestling, learning a lot about the Inland Northwest in the process...