Tuesday, December 10, 2013

MORNING BRIEFING: Baby, it’s cold outside and Volume 2014 ticket pre-sale

Posted By on Tue, Dec 10, 2013 at 9:54 AM


It may not be the one ring to rule them all but still a former NFL champion, who lost a beloved football ring in a Spokane house burglary last summer, was happy to see it returned. (S-R)

Along with the far too low temps, light snow may be coming our way this evening. However, this wouldn’t be the first time a weather forecast was incorrect. (KHQ) At least it’s not as cold as this though. (SP-I)

With said freezing temps, people are trying to make their homes warm, resulting in multiple house fires across the region (S-R, CDAP). Be safe out there.

Leave it to the Bozeman police to find a man passed out in his food who allegedly thought he was in Spokane. (BDC)


Thousands attended Nelson Mandela’s national memorial service Monday in South Africa, where President Obama spoke. (BBC)

Because it’s still big news when a woman does something, it was announced this morning that Mary T. Barra would become the first woman to lead a major auto company, General Motors. (NYT)


What, what? It’s already time to start thinking about the Inlander’s music festival, Volume. Pre-order your tickets now for the May 30-31 event now and get them for a reduced rate. Rock on. (Inlander)

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Laura Johnson

Laura moved to the great Inland Pacific Northwest this summer. She is the Inlander's new music editor.