Tuesday, December 24, 2013
Flu hits Alaska Airlines pilots and flight attendants, grounding some flights. (KREM)
East Valley High School student arrested and expelled for death threats. (KXLY)
Some jerk put hamburger meat filled with glass in people’s yards in Spokane Valley; fortunately, no dogs were hurt. (KREM)
Colorado State defensive line coach suspended without pay and ordered to undergo anger management and diversity training after using a gay slur while yelling at the Washington State quarterback during the New Mexico Bowl. (S-R)
Mikhail T. Kalashnikov, inventor of the AK-47, dies at age 94. (NYT)
Britain posthumously pardons computer pioneer Alan Turing for his 1952 homosexuality conviction, after which he committed suicide. (BBC)
New Jersey real estate agents accused of sabotaging sales to use the home to rendezvous for sex. (North Jersey Daily Record)
Wisconsin pours cheese — well, salty cheese brine — on icy roads. (NYT)
A Spokane waitress at Famous Ed’s got a $500 tip. (KREM)
And that’s a week after a couple left a Coeur d’Alene waitress a $500 tip at IHOP. (Cda Press)
And a waitress in Florida who mistakenly gave $1,000 she found in a booth to the wrong customer ended up with happy ending: The customer with the money returned it, and the original owner told the waitress to keep it as a Christmas gift. (Gawker)
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