Monday, April 13, 2015

MB: No vaccination=no school, two new White House hopefuls and taunting cheetahs

Posted By on Mon, Apr 13, 2015 at 9:18 AM


Kids in Spokane Public Schools without required vaccinations (or an approved exemption waiver) will be pulled out of class starting today. (Spokesman-Review)

Nelson Cruz (finally) homers, and gives the M's an 8-7 victory in the 10th. (Tacoma News Tribune)

Construction that will widen I-90 to six lanes on the east side of Snoqualmie Pass is again underway. (Spokesman-Review)


Two White House hopefuls announced their bid for the 2016 presidential election: Hillary Clinton and Marco Rubio. And a helpful candidate tracker. (New York Times)

A mother dropped her toddler into a cheetah pit in Cleveland (the kid is reportedly fine, mom might face charges). (AP)

Gunter Grass, German novelist ("The Tin Drum"), died at 87. (New York Times)

A reserve deputy in Tulsa, Oklahoma shot and killed an unarmed man as he was being restrained by police. Deputy Robert Bates, 73, said he meant to fire his Taser, but grabbed his service pistol instead. (CNN)


This year's Pulitzer Prize winners will be announced next Monday (just in time to snuggle up on the couch for everyone's favorite holiday!). (Poynter)

The Seattle Times just released part five of a nationwide investigation into the danger of lead poisoning at shooting ranges. Here's part one. (Seattle Times)

Buzz Feed isn't all cat gifs and Disney princess quizzes. Check out this four parter: "A Murder at La Casa Green." (Buzz Feed)

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Mitch Ryals

Mitch Ryals was a staff writer at the Inlander from 2015-2018.