Donald Trump has always sounded sort of familiar to me. Not in the tone of his voice, really, or anything like that, but rather his penchant for employing endless self-aggrandizing hyperbole and the sort of word choice practices that would never have him say "self-aggrandizing hyperbole." This sounds like someone I know... but I could never quite pin it down.
Thankfully, the guys at Friend Dog Studios made the connection for me. Donald Trump can, at times, really sound a lot like that drunk neighbor of yours who's always making outlandish comments about his bench-pressing abilities or Sunday football predictions.
You know this sort of guy (or gal), right? I know I do.
The Kansas City-based Friend Dog crew has taken some of Trump's classiest, most luxurious statements from his ongoing presidential run/reality show and let them come out of the mouth of that really drunk guy on the other side of the fence. Enjoy, but remember, if you think any of this is funny, you're a loser.