Thursday, November 12, 2015
"You are a loser, you stink and you are going to die."
A bold and sassy statement made by my (at the time) 4-year-old sister to my mother. My sister's contempt after a D.A.R.E. presentation at school prompted my mom to quit smoking, a habit that began behind the bleachers during her late high school years. Looking back, we laugh at the situation, but are all thankful she made the choice to kick tobacco to the curb.
Everyone has their own experience with tobacco, whether that be trying to quit for the fifth time, or trying to find hope alongside a loved one battling lung cancer. The Community Health Association of Spokane wants to bring awareness of tobacco usage in our community with a walk this weekend that encourages people to leave the pack behind. The event consists of a two-mile walk around the West Central neighborhood, an area with the highest tobacco usage in the city. A number of invited speakers will share their quitting stories to kick off the event that begins at the corner of Monroe and Bridge. No pre-registration is required, so everyone is welcome to come out and show their support on the day of the walk, with free t-shirts for the first 200 participants as a bonus.
A number of local organizations such as Cancer Center Northwest, Pharmacy Association of Spokane, Molina and the Spokane Regional Health District will be in attendance to provide tobacco education and cessation resources, including a "tobacco quit kit." Quit coaches will be available to help participants write their own quit story. If ditching tobacco has been something on your mind, or something you desire for a loved one, there is no better time than now. Participants are encouraged to share their story at #quithappens.
Quit Happens: Walk to Leave the Pack Behind takes place this Saturday, November 14, at 10 am, starting at Monroe Street and Bridge Avenue.