Records Request
• In a move that really irritated Gov. Jay Inslee (the governor who oversaw the Department of Corrections where a computer error went unfixed for years, resulting in inmates being incorrectly released from prison early), Senate Republican leaders have begun to issue subpoenas to figure out what went wrong. (Spokesman-Review)
• Identity of shooting victim revealed
The young man shot and killed outside The Palomino nightclub wasEduardo Villagomez, a 21-year-old junior at Eastern Washington University. (Spokesman-Review)
In Other News
Celebrity Apprentice • In a speech that often resembled slam poetry (How ‘bout the rest of us? Right wingin’, bitter clingin’, proud clingers of our guns, our god, and our religions, and our Constitution. Tell us that we’re not red enough?) more than prose, VP-pick-turned-reality star Sarah Palin endorsed Donald Trump. Conservative pundits' despair began cracking into something like a maniacal madness, like in the end of the "Crawl Space" episode of Breaking Bad. It went so well that Palin apparently just decided not to show up for a scheduled campaign stop today.
If only there were some way to make it up to him...
• Atlantic journalist (and liberal superstar) Ta-Nehisi Coates didn't hear back from Bernie Sanders' campaign when he asked about racial reparations, earning the candidate, already struggling with black voters, a stark rebuke from Coates. Coates has a few thoughts on reparations himself.
Dear John
• John Kasich, self-described "Prince of Light and Hope," and the one guy on the Republican debate stage who sounds anywhere close to liberal, is suddenly doing very well in New Hampshire.
• Anthony Bosworth, the guy who got in trouble for refusing to leave while open-carrying at the Federal Courthouse, appears to have been escorted out of a community meeting in Burns, Oregon.