on Mon, May 17, 2010 at 8:27 AM
From the very beginning I pulled your hair in taming attempts. I've since chopped it down in a series of botch jobs. I've left your milk out unrepentantly. I've made you try anything I've ever cooked, despite any escape attempts or begging. I gutted your light. I've lost at least 2 of your flash drives (did you even know that?). I always knock your hygienical supplies into the back of the toilet (I'm sorry). I've turned your entire kitchen into a solid brick of mold. I'm pretty sure I've cried on everything you've ever owned. You've taken me home every night forever to ensure I'm not assaulted by the Garland ax-man. You've sat through everything from Mr. Darcy to 2-hour treadmill sprees. You tolerate my cat, my nervouswreckishness, my grumpytrollishness & my insistence to go on walks. You stay on the phone even though you know I don't have anything to say & through all that you still love me. I love you too.
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