on Sat, Dec 10, 2011 at 2:02 PM
you made me cry with joy and love! I am happy to have been a bright and
shining example for you. You have been a hug from the Universe for me. We
are all teachers. We teach every day. Some of us teach from the book of
love and some from the book of fear. I consciously choose love rather than
resorting to fear and pain. It has been a long journey to this place. I'll
be up at the South Hill library on Dec. 10th at 11:00am giving a free
lecture on connecting to the Angelic realm. These Divinely inspired guides
are my teachers. So if I have impressed you, then it is because of my
relationship with these teachers. Thank you for the pat on the back, it has
made my week! Namaste, Chevy.