Saturday, September 1, 2012


Posted on Sat, Sep 1, 2012 at 8:23 AM

To the Dad with his toddler at Down River golf course on Wednesday, hole 5
to be exact. As we approached you the first thing you asked for was a
lighter, you then proceded to smoke weed in front of your child. After that
you asked for a dollar, then for crack WTF! You, my friend are what makes
our great city of Spokane look sooo good! You are one of the many druggies
that fill that Disc Golf Course and go to show how disgusting your kind is.
If people would worry as much about the trash around the area as the
paraphernalia that goes on then the park would be a much cleaner place.
Majority of the litter comes from you lazy pot heads and not the people out
there just drinking a few beers and playing a round. Grow up and do
something with your life that doesn't involve drugs you worthless piece of


Mark as Favorite

American Girl of the Month Club @ Coeur d'Alene Public Library

Third Thursday of every month, 1-2 & 4-5 p.m.
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