on Sat, Jan 12, 2013 at 8:23 AM
Cheers to the driver of the SUV with the vanity plates in the parking lot
of the General Store. After your son left a large dent and some of your
charcoal grey paint on my car your response was "How's my $60,000 car?"
and "Do you have kids? Shit happens, this is a parking lot." I hope you
realize this is real life, not the Real Housewives of Spokane, and that
driving off after damaging someone's property without leaving your contact
information is not a good example to set for your children. I can only
assume you were having a terrible day and that life is not as good as your
vanity plates and late model SUV would lead the world to assume. Cheers to
you and yours during this holiday season, and may your rambunctious
offspring close the doors to your vehicle with a good deal more care.