Friday, February 22, 2013

Do Not Judge

Posted on Fri, Feb 22, 2013 at 12:33 PM

To the 2-3 girls in the SFCC math lab computer station on 2/12. I saw you and
over heard your gossip. You were talking about some girls life choices and
the way some girls dress, especially in summer where some choose to wear
more revealing clothing. I think it's ironic you were talking about a girl
making certain choices with her partner and how her bad decisions
make "good Christians" look bad when ironically you are the ones who make
Christians look bad. Being judgmental and gossiping, shame on you for you
were breaking one of the ten commandments (Luke 6:37 Thou Shalt Not Judge!)
not the girl who choose to wear short shorts or be intimate with her
partner. You are the ones who make Christians look bad...kudos!


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