Saturday, April 6, 2013


Posted on Sat, Apr 6, 2013 at 8:24 AM

Jeers cannot begin to describe the disgust I have for the scum that shot my
cat Sockett on Sunday 3/24. He was shot by a pellet gun while sitting on my
patio, across from Centennial Middle School. He had to undergo emergency
surgery and almost died! Sockett is part of my family and a great friend
and will have health issues for the rest of his life because of this. The
scum who thought it would be fun to take aim at him is the lowest kind of
human filth. There is a reward for information that leads to the scum that
hurt Sockett. Parents, if your child has a pellet gun I hope you teach them
that hurting an animal for fun is not acceptable. If they did it once they
will do it again. [email protected]


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