Saturday, April 20, 2013

RE: Tattoo's

Posted on Sat, Apr 20, 2013 at 8:24 AM

Dear ignorant old man, I am sorry to hear that you are still living in the
past when it comes to self expression. I work for an extremely prestigious
luxury company (I'm sure you, or your wife, enjoy many of our
products/services), and I have considerably more tattoos than most, and in
very obvious places. I work with the general public, and receive
compliments on a daily basis regarding my artwork. It is a shame that you
can't see past appearance, and I feel very sorry for the people who work
for your company (as well as your family members). I'm sure they would
appreciate a place where they feel free to be themselves without being
looked down on by someone like yourself who hasn't adjusted with the times.


Mark as Favorite

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