Saturday, August 24, 2013

To My Favorite Lady

Posted on Sat, Aug 24, 2013 at 8:24 AM

Thanks for always teaching me what it truly means to give. I invite you to
an upcoming charity event, and you counter with: "Sure, but let's work out
the details." You send me down an amazingly enlightening journey, first to to read the story of "The Simpson's" creator, Sam Simon, who is
giving his wealth to good, as he sees it. The concept of "mission drift"
that he clearly stated, helped me to understand your own passion to give
the most you can. You ask me: "Why spend hundreds or thousands on dresses,
hats, shoes, suits, transportation, over-priced food and drink when we can
give SO much of that, in tangible goods, to the charity we think we "go" to
support. Simon states it: So much is spent on the parties. So you, my
darling, invite all your friends and partners to a giving party. Each must
wear something they have that they love, and bring an outfit to donate, and
to swap. Each brings food for the gathering and food to donate to a group
or family in our 20 block radius, or a Children's hospital, directly. I
know you'll choose Shriner's; you always do! The value of assests
collected, time and money used directly, and shared community spirit is
astounding. You donate the total cash amount that you would if you'd spent
those dollars on getting "charity event ready", and you give on top of
that. Thanks, Sunny, for sharing Sam Simon's story and teaching me how to
truly give, charitably. It really isn't about the parties, is it? We come
together, giving what we have, and have earned to those in need, not
considering who will snap our photo at a shiny event, or who will see the
giant check we give for a huge tax break. You are light. You,...and Sam
Simon, have taught me goodness. Love one another. Be kind to each. See you
in the back yard!


Mark as Favorite

Captured by Love Selfie Museum @ Captured by Love Selfie Museum

Fri., Feb. 14, Sat., Feb. 15 and Sun., Feb. 16
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