Rachele Nichols: Doing Bloomsday with Angela Scavo and then many years later with my Josie (daughter). The energy you feel from the city, people is amazing.
Adela Sussman: Going with my cousin Diane Copley for my first Bloomsday — it was such a thrill for me! I loved seeing the priests waving to us on the steps of Our Lady of Lourdes Church and all the musical groups, the crowds cheering us on, and crossing the finish line!! I can't remember the year, however!
Alex Quam: Doing it for the first time last year because I've apparently been socially distancing my whole life and finally had the opportunity!
Geni Beckham: Doing Bloomsday with my kids when they were younger.
Neal Schindler: Walking the course in 2012 with my future wife (unbeknownst to me at the time!).
Margaret Anne: Wearing the plastic, orange parking meter bags on our heads, as it made us feel festive, circa '95 with my best friend!
Gail Fielding: Standing at the base of the Lincoln statue watching everyone running toward me — scary, but exciting!
Anthony Gauna: Watching my sister hilariously laugh as she watched a runner plow into a parking meter, then turn back around and face plant into one of her own!
Charlene Foster: When my mom and I walked it after she turned 60.
Bre Hatcher: Walking with my mom and talking the whole time.
Ric Meyer: Only participated in one, in 1997. Was going to create memories by doing Bloomsday 2020 with my wife and four kids but COVID shut it down and we had to do it by ourselves.
David Leeth: Watching two runners veer off the route onto my back lawn to pee in some bushes. I had to chase them out of my yard. ♦
Normally, we ask our question of the week of people we randomly encounter on the street. But with the coronavirus pandemic, we instead asked our followers on social media to share their thoughts.