by INLANDER STAFF & r & & r & Check what's happening at local nightspots for the next week.

Thursday, 1/24

Artisan Room, (838-6308), DJ Fusion

Big Easy, DJ Graffix

Bluz at the Bend, Papa Glen Blues

Brooklyn Nights, Groove Patrol

Club Max, (922-1922), Area 51

Connie's Lounge,(208-255-2227), Ray Wood

Coeur d'Alene Resort, (208-765-4000), Satellite

Downtown Crossing, (208-265-5080), Open Jam

Empyrean, Pulseless, Dead Reckoning, Age of Nephalim

Far West, Nick Schauer & amp; Dave Fague

Fizzie Mulligan's, Exit 7

Mizuna, Abe Kenney

Moon Time, Plane Ticket Home

O'Shay's, Open Mic w/ Harvey Stanley

Prago, Guitar Hero

Steam Plant, (777-3900), Steve Schlough

Schweitzer Lounge, (208-263-9555), Open Mic

Whitworth Hub, Monarch

Wine Cellar, Riverboat Dave

Working Class Heroes, Open Jam w/ Maxie Mills

Friday, 1/25

2nd Look Books, Mordekye Layman

Annie Fannie's, (534-1212), DJ Doughboy

Artisan Room, (838-6308), DJ Parafyn

Big Al's, Julie Anne's Jukebox

Big Foot, Mistaken Identity

Bluz at the Bend, Cary Fly

The Blvd. La Cha Cha, Paid Under Envy, Illusion 33

Bolo's, Ultraglide

Bottom's Up, (892-1778), DJ LG

Brooklyn Nights, The Working Spliffs

Caterina, Buffalo Jones, Michael Carpenter, Nick Yost

Chillers, (208-667-1896), Nighthawk

Club Max, (922-1922), Area 51

Coeur d'Alene Brew Pub, (208-664-BREW), Million $ Hillbilly Band

Coeur d'Alene Casino, Four on the Floor

Coeur d'Alene Eagles, (208-664-2218), Good Ju-Ju

Club Max, (922-1922), Area 51

Connie's Lounge,(208-255-2227), Ray Wood

Cricket's, (208-765-1990), Eric E

Curley's, Bad Monkey

Eagles Club, (489-3030), Stage Riders

Eichardts, Darrin Hildebrand

Elements, (467-1363), DJ Hype

Empyrean, The Sammus Theory, Wide Eyed Coma, The Van Martyr Project, The Billy Versus

Fizzie Mulligan's, Sammy Eubanks

The Flame, DJ Mayhem

The Grail, Vast

Hangar 57,(448-5707), Fairmount Chase

Ionic Burrito, Occasional String Band

Iron Horse, Inner Sanctum

Jimmy'z, DJ J

John's Alley, Clumsy Lovers

Madeleine's, (624-2253), Dirkistan & amp; the Big Hair Revolution

Moose Lodge, (208-882-2116), Mooseapalooza w/ Flea Circus, Cold Rail Blues Band, Pechered BillyGoat

Mootsy's, DJ Fade

Mirabeau Max, (924-9000), Mike Ross

Northern Quest, Chill Factor

O'Shay's, John Sylte & amp; Friends

Peacock Room, Dead Man's Pants

Pend D'Oreille Winery, Karli Fairbanks & amp; Joel Smith

Picnic Pines, (299-3223), River City Rockers

Prago, DJ JAH & amp; Real Life Sound

Schweitzer, (208-263-9555), DJ Yochanan

The Slab Inn, The Jim Huntsman Band

Stage Right, (208-265-8116), Kristi Nelson

The Star, Sugarbones

Three Glasses, (208-265-0230), Ponderay Jazz Quartet

Thumpers, 50 Cent Suit

The Viking, The Groove Patrol

The Wine Cellar, Bones Bolan & amp; Nelson

Working Class Heroes, Michael Dickson

Saturday, 1/26

Annie Fannie's, (534-1212), DJ Doughboy

Artisan Room, (838-6308), DJ Fusion

Auntie's, (838-0206), Todd Milne

Big Easy, Phil Vassar, Earl Wear, Jennifer Hanson

The Blvd., The Devil Wears Prada, The Hollowed, Dead Horse Express, City Sleeps, Hail the Gunfire, Level, Pour Soi, Oil of Angels

Big Foot, Mistaken Identity

Bluz at the Bend, Cary Fly

Bolo's, Ultraglide

Bottom's Up, (892-1778), DJ LG

Brooklyn Nights, Odyssey

Caterina, Joel Smith, Adam Hill, Paul Adams

Chillers, (208-667-1896), Nighthawk

Club Max, (922-1922), Area 51

Coeur d'Alene Casino, Four on the Floor

Coeur d'Alene Eagles, (208-664-2218), Good Ju-Ju

Connie's Lounge,(208-255-2227), Comfort Zone

Cricket's, (208-765-1990), Dean

Cruisers, (208-773-4706), Nighthawk

Curley's, Bad Monkey

Di Luna's, Eric Bibb

Eagles Club, (489-3030), Stage Riders

Elements, (467-1363), DJ Hype

Empyrean, Iceage Cobra, the Mickie Slippers

Europa, Ron Criscione

Fizzie Mulligan's, Sammy Eubanks

The Flame, DJ UnME

The Grail, Soverance, Return to Nothing

Hangar 57, (448-5707), Fairmount Chase

Huckleberry's, Karli Fairbanks

Iron Horse, Inner Sanctum

Jimmy'z, DJ J

John's Alley, Clumsy Lovers

Mirabeau Max, (924-9000), Mike Ross

Moose Lodge, (208-882-2116), Mooseapalooza w/ Head Byon, Riled, Lithium-D, Ablation, Debt to Society, Strychnine, Old Boy, Random House, Stupid in Stereo, Stash Black, Cab, Cheap Escape

Northern Quest, Chill Factor

O'Shay's, Harvey Stanley

Peacock Room, Dead Man's Pants

Pend D'Oreille Winery, Kristi Nelson

Picnic Pines, (299-3223), River City Rockers

Prago, DJ Orange

Raw, DJ Big Mike

Schweitzer, (208-263-9555), Steve Neff, Mistress & amp; The Misters

The Slab Inn, The Jim Huntsman Band

Stage Right, (208-265-8116), John Patrick Williams

The Star, Sugerbones

Thumpers, 50 Cent Suit

Trick Shots, DJ Freaky Fred

The Wine Cellar, Bones, Bolan & amp; Nelson

Working Class Heroes, Michael Dickson

Zombie Room, Moment of Psylence, Age of Nefilim, Rubberdiculous

Sunday, 1/27

Big Easy, Job for a Cowboy, Skies Burn Black, Red Chord, Skeletonwitch, Benign

Bluz at the Bend, Cary Fly

The Blvd., Battle of the bands w/ Scary Jane, Big Dirty Guns, Dirty Version

Di Luna's, A Touch of Jazz

Eagles Club, (489-3030), Norm Seeberger

Europa, Sidhe

John's Alley, Lil Dave Thompson

Raw, Jeremy Clark

The Swamp, Annie O'Neill

Monday, 1/28

Blue Spark, Open Mic

Coeur d'Alene Resort, (208-765-4000), DJ Brentano

Eichardt's, Blues Jam w/ Truck Mills

Empyrean, Catacomb, Shadoya Jones, Faus, Sanctified Sin

Europa, Jonathan Nicholson

Prago, Hey Hollywood, Gazelles

Tuesday, 1/29

Artisan Room, (838-6308), Steven King

Coeur d'Alene Resort, (208-765-4000), DJ Montoya

Connie's Lounge,(208-255-2227), Frank Moore & amp; Son

Elements, (467-1363), DJ Hype

Empyrean, Natural Jazzaster

The Grail, Going to Bangkok

University of Idaho, (208-885-6231), James Reid

O'Doherty's, Irish Jam

Raw, DJ Big Mike

The Wine Cellar, Howard Powers, Smooth Jazz

Wednesday, 1/30

Artisan Room, (838-6308), 6' Swing

Bluz at the Bend, Sammy Eubanks

Coeur d'Alene Resort, (208-765-4000), DJ Brentano

Cricket's, (208-765-1990), Open Jam

Eagles Club, (489-3030), Mavericks

Eichardt's, Charlie Packard Band

Empyrean, Paper Mache

Irv's, (624-4450), DJ Real

John's Alley, Open Mic

Latah Bistro, (838-8338), Jonathan Nicholson

O'Shay's, Robbie French

Raw, Abe Kenney

Three Glasses, (208-265-0230), Bill Reid

Wine Cellar, Bill Rector


Steam Plant, (777-3900), Melody Moore on Jan. 31

Pend d'Oreille Winery, The Shook Twins CD release on Feb. 1

Service Station, RAWK Final Four Round 3, Electric Warriors, Hail The Gunfire, Billy Versus, Starflight Ambush, Iron Fanboy on Feb. 2
Mark as Favorite

The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe @ TAC at the Lake

Fri., Feb. 14, 7 p.m., Sat., Feb. 15, 2 & 7 p.m., Sun., Feb. 16, 2 p.m., Thu., Feb. 20, 7 p.m., Fri., Feb. 21, 7 p.m., Sat., Feb. 22, 2 & 7 p.m. and Sun., Feb. 23, 2 p.m.
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