I Saw You

Week of December 23

I Saw You

Woman! The person "loving" you is grasping and clinging to any shred of hope that you won't come to know that argumentative PASSION(?) and CHEMISTRY(?) is "their" persuasive manipulation that has kept you offering multiple chances. Accusations and breaches of trust are the least of your problems. Be careful of that controlling theme. Abuse might be the shadow clouding your view. Look into the definitions, available at Domestic Abuse Services sites. Consider reading: "How To Be An Adult in Relationships" (Richo). "Safe People" (Cloud..?) "Proper Care and Feeding of Relationships" (Schlessinger). Abuse, addiction, and affairs are huge, high mountains to climb, but there is a clear view on the other side. Don't look back, at least not now. Consider this glaring reality: Is there a good reason the person loving you can't write and mail a thoughtful letter of apology and intent and send it to you in the mail? Why such a public forum for the regret? Stick to your decision if you are on a healthy path. Stay the course. There is love that is real and honest in life. Don't settle for bad habits. Let's hope the person "loving" you is plea-ing from a healthier place on their own journey. Stay well. Stay happy. Stay hope-filled for your best life.


Karma finally showed up Mr. Bacon, you made 2020 end on a high. Thank you for bringing Karma in with the snow! Hell has frozen over and it feels so good!

Rocket Bakery pastry donation To the generous donor of the Rocket Bakery pastries to the Respiratory Therapy Department at Sacred Heart Medical Center, THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!!! Our morale has been in need of a little boost. We are so grateful to you and to all the other generous donors of food and other miscellaneous items/treats. Thank you for supporting us and thank you for supporting our local businesses!

Encouraging Words "Christina, Patient Advocates' Office and staff of Appeals-CITC of our Spokane VA Medical Center. I had a dispute with the Veterans Administration and its overwhelmingly intimidating and impersonal bureaucracy, and was about to give up dealing with it. Christina, on her own initiative, spoke with the local VA Appeals person/people and then called to tell me they had a way for me to continue my appeal, ultimately resulting in my success and the VA reimbursing — saving me over $1,000. Christina's and the Appeals staff's encouraging words, care for this veteran, initiative, and advocacy made all the difference. Thank you, Christina and the Appeals staff. Thank you, Charles D. and Shane B., staff members of US Rep. C.M. Rodgers' office, Their help in resolving my dispute with the Veterans Administration was crucial in its successful resolution."

Happy 30th Birthday To the greatest best friend a girl could ask for. I hope that your day is filled with murder mysteries and boardgames. Made with Love pop tarts and key lime pie. Corn dogs and a Sonic slushy. Overall I hope it is filled with you knowing how much I appreciate you. No matter what has happened, you've always been standing beside me. I can't tell you what it means to know that you'll always be here. We survived our 20s together, now it's time to take on the 30s. Happy birthday Leah :)

Smile with your eyes Cheers to the elderly couple I saw at the grocery store. Even though you were wearing masks, I could tell you were smiling at people. Way to spread positivity.

Meaningful Merlyn's Thank you to the man and child who asked me to take their picture at Merlyn's with the dragon. It was so lovely to see you both having such fun while being masked up and socially distant. Having such a normal interaction in these abnormal times made my whole day!

In a harsh world To the person reading this, I feel like it's important for you to hear this. You a beautiful person, someone worth happiness and love. We make mistakes in our lives but that doesn't mean we are our mistakes, we just need to learn from them. There are so many people on this planet, but not a single one of them are like you. You are important, you are worthy of love and support. You reading this, please remember that even through this hardship, you aren't alone. I truly hope, reader, that the rest of this year and the rest of your life brings you happiness, luck, support and a strong sense of community. We may not be as close and things have changed, but there is good in the world. It's OK not to feel good though, and sometimes the best thing a human can do is just sit with another in the dark. So when you read this, please know someone is thinking about you. I wish you the best of luck.


Discrimination of a new kind To all those terrible restaurants & businesses out there that won't take your order over the phone, shame on you. Not everyone has or trusts the internet. My Grandma does not have the net or a smart phone. I don't trust the net enough to shop & pay for things on it. I know lots of people who have been scammed. Money is money; take the money that's offered and be grateful!! There's debit options for curbside pick up or ask for numbers over the phone for delivery. How about accepting your eatery's gift card over the phone? Think about it next time you're crying that there aren't many customers.

Transphobia in 'Racism at Music Store' jeer Being angry that your partner was treated badly by racist people is understandable. Racism is not acceptable. But "genderly confused"? That is transphobia, and also unacceptable. Shame on you, asking for more respect while simultaneously disrespecting people.

Malden-Pine City "Dear Cathy Must Retire, I noticed you have been tapped for a very influential position. What a sick joke. Malden and Pine City burned over a 105 days ago and FEMA has yet to respond. Your support for the current administration policies have turned our farmers into welfare queens. Our ranchers are at the mercy of huge corporate ranchers and imported beef from thousands of miles away. The head of the VA should have been fired months ago. Over 100,000 Veterans work at the Post Office, but your vote was against these men and women who have to deal with worn out machinery and an impossible funding of their retirement 75 years in the future. Influential what a joke."

Sail on, stating the obvious I was walking my dog on W Summit this past Sunday close to 4 pm. You, sailing by on your bike, felt the need to state the obvious, "do you know you're walking in the middle of the road?" I could only think to answer, "yes," but what I want to have said was so much more. Yes, I'm leaving space for the girl walking towards me on the sidewalk? Yes, did you know there's a pandemic on? Yes, did you know that's none of your business? Yes, and what's it to you? It's a small thing, inserting yourself briefly into my life with such a comment, but it's also so much more — an unwelcome intrusion, and questioning of my judgment when all I wanted was to be considerate. Something that you, zipping by on your bike, apparently know little of. To ameliorate my wounded pride, I just wished you negative karma... slipping a chain or hitting a pothole unexpectedly, something small like that. From one biker to another, sail on in your douche canoe, and here's to you finding some common decency. ♦

Anna Reynolds Wallis: Tapestries @ Entropy

Fri., May 3, 5-9 p.m.
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