RE: IN MY DREAMS: I'll never stop thinking about you.

RE: RED CURLY BEAUTIFUL HAIR... TB? Yeah I don't think you are who I'm talking about. She knows I think her hair is beautiful, and I'm 100% sure she's not waiting for me either. I'm talking about A.A. and no not the meeting.

DAMN! I WISH I WAS YOUR LOVER... The red chairs? I'm wondering if we have already reconnected. I have recently reconnected with the person I wrote this about. It was a brief reconnection; I'd love to have more time with you, or more instances with you. Is it you?

CARRIE MY DARLING: I would never have guessed you'd be someone for me when I saw you three years before we met. It has only been two months, but I knew the moment we met that you're the one. That first meeting when I said I wanted you to be my girlfriend. I was surprised when I said I love you for the first time because I hadn't planned on saying it and you said you loved me too. You are dream, a gift, a goddess, a unicorn. You speak to me in song lyrics and write me poetry. I'll always turn up the stereo and play your favorite songs loud while you sing along. You intoxicate me when you kiss me goodnight, and your cuddles keep me so warm. You are so amazing to me, and I can't believe you are mine.

ANGEL IN MY DREAMS: I saw you and your son at Super 1 Foods in Hayden on Sunday, Dec. 10, at 8 am. You were in silver 4runner, I was in silver Escape. Went into store to look for an Angel for the top of my Christmas tree. You also came to the ornament section. I thought you were a Very Pretty Woman and Loved your Beautiful hair! I didn't find Angel ornament, so I left. I wished I would have spoke to You, now I Believe I Saw an Angel... You! If you read this, Please respond. I would Love a second chance meeting!

DAMN! I WISH I WAS YOUR LOVER.. Wait, I know red chairs. A local brewery by chance?

INLAND PACIFIC KITCHEN... We spoke, you were next to me at the bar... wished I noticed you sooner. I asked about your camo bag. I left with a friend at the same time you did and missed an opportunity to inquire more about you. Wanna hang out?

RE: IN MY DREAMS: When you think about me, is it a good thing or a bad thing. For me it's both.

THANK YOU AND FAREWELL! Just want to say a sincere thank you and farewell to the former chief. We'll never be able to find another chief to serve wealthy business owners with such dedication.


LABORERS: The first article I read this week is about a local baker. He's struggling to profit from the labor of his employees. Cry me a river. The second a Costa Vida closes suddenly and final paychecks bounce. Never be loyal to an employer. You are just a number to them. Keep the resume up to date. Always be looking ahead. Remember you're paid by the hour, no reason to work faster. Slow down. Encourage your co-workers to slow down. Stop doing everything you can to benefit employers that would discard you in an instant.

CHEERS TO NADINE WOODWARD: Kudos to Nadine Woodward for acknowledging defeat and allowing the transfer of power. She resisted the urge to cast doubt on the election and attempt to cling to power. It didn't matter that some in her party would likely support this tactic. Even if she proved none of her claims in court. Even if her lackeys paid millions of dollars for defamation and her lawyers pleaded guilty to criminal charges stemming from such falsehoods. She perhaps knew many voters wouldn't support such a huge fib, disregarding the threat it poses to democracy because of their other priorities. Like minimizing taxes, policing trans kids' use of bathrooms and dictating what women do with their bodies. Instead, Ms. Woodward did the honorable thing and allowed democracy to continue.


RE: DANGEROUS BREED IGNORANCE JEERS: You ask if people in this city are really that ignorant and then you refer to the writer as an idiot. I think you made your own point. As evidenced by you, people in this city really are ignorant, and you seem to be at the top of the list when it comes to stupidity. Look in the mirror and see the ignorance. The writer wasn't an idiot, but the responders were indeed idiotic. Speak up, Spokane? Do you think you're a city full of idiots as the jeers say you are?

RE: DOG AGGRESSION: To the person who wrote that their little dog was more aggressive than their pitbulls, your answer is so intelligent. In the hospitals we typically see a lot more severe injuries from little dogs than pitbulls. The little dogs are so much stronger and have much larger teeth. Be careful who you refer to as an "idiot" because your points were amazingly idiotic. Borrowing the phrasing of others: "Spokane: near nature — near idiots."

RE: FIRST WORLD PROBLEMS: Wow! You sound so wise with your sanctimonious verbiage! How can I learn from you? Did you have to spend a lot of time at university to learn all that? I can't even spell kollege. You sure made a lot of assumptions about the author. But by all means, thank you for your moral lesson about how lucky we all are to live in the United States. I don't think everyone agrees with you. It seems like there have been more than a few problems in this country in recent years.

NIKKI HALEY ON SLAVERY: Dred Scott v. Sandford in 1857 was a landmark decision by the U.S. Supreme Court that ruled that Black people were not American citizens and could not sue in a court of law. The court ruled against Dred Scott, an enslaved Black man who tried to sue for his freedom. The decision was considered by many legal scholars to be the worst ever rendered by the Supreme Court and has been widely denounced, both for how obviously racist the decision was and its crucial role in the start of the Civil War four years later. It was known as the court's greatest self-inflicted wound. It was overturned by the 13th and 14th amendments in 1865/1866, which abolished slavery and declared all persons born in the United States to be citizens of the United States.

OBEY THE LAW: Dear Spokane Jerk: There is a leash law for a reason! When you're walking your dog (or usually the other way around), keep your dog on a tight leash. When I'm passing by it, I have no idea if it's friendly or if it's going to bite. You may like your dog, but I don't! Next time I see your dog off leash, I'm reporting it.

RE: CAR DAMAGE: It's time that all large grocery store chain public parking lots have cameras in them that video the entire space. When cars are damaged by others and they drive off, the video should be shared with law enforcement, and those responsible should be prosecuted as well as held accountable for the damage they incur upon others. Here is wishing those who did the damage end up paying for it in some other way. You can't go through life being an ass and not expect it to catch up with you someday.

UBER CHEAPSKATE: I drove 25 miles round trip to bring you pancakes at 2 am, which I was more than happy to do for the expected fare of $12. Your food was delivered early, sealed, in perfect condition, and doubled-checked for accuracy. I waited an hour for the entire fare to clear, only to find you cowardly removed the tip, leaving me with a measley $4.31 for my time. If you don't want to tip, fine, be honest about it! Shame on your parents for raising a no class jerk! Go get your own damn pancakes next time!

RE: DANGEROUS BREED: To those who objected to the post written by the person concerned about the loss of two lives, one due to the mauling of a child, and the other being a postmortem predation of the body after death from a cardiac event, I couldn't agree more. Any dog breed can act aggressively and dangerously. Based on the callousness of your retorts, here is hoping that if your dogs do turn aggressive, it's only on you. Not others. The poor child didn't deserve to be killed. That dog had never had a history of aggressive behavior either. But you are right, Spokane does have a lot of ignorance... from people like you.

BOO NETWORK COMMERCIALS: The greed of big business: four 10-minute commercials in one hour holding the viewers hostage. I wanted to watch the Rose Bowl parade on New Year's Day, but it became so frustrating I turned it off & did my laundry. This stringent action by NBC, ABC & CBS has now blatantly forced Netflix to demand $3.00 more than their regular monthly fee to watch without commercials. WHAT? Unless 1 million or more viewers tell the greedy companies that we will tape our favorite shows & skim through without watching the commercials that they force upon us, it will only get worse. Let's start here in Spokane. We will get results if we stand up for ourselves.

CHIEFS GAME: To the parents of the two girls screaming "Go, Chiefs, go" the entire game on Saturday. I understand it's a game and kids get excited to be there, however that doesn't give them the right to scream throughout the entire game. The last quarter my friends and I were covering our ears and had to move a few seats down. Please be more respectful of the people around you, not everyone thinks your children screaming is acceptable in public. ♦

Jiemei Lin: Insidious: those tiny things @ Terrain Gallery

Fri., May 3, 5-8 p.m. and Thursdays-Saturdays, 4-7 p.m. Continues through May 25
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