LET IT RAIN: Hey handsome man in that handsome blue suit; come back and see me. I have an umbrella for you! Stay sweet. Stay smart. Always pray for rain.

RE: IN MY DREAMS: The night we met?? It wasn't at night... Not sure you are who I'm talking about.

MALE DOMINATION: How did our worn and torn world end up with male domination? Would we all be safer if the female species replaced the power-hungry male population?

EVERYDAY I STILL MISS YOU: Not a day goes buy that I don't pine for you. I try distracting myself in every possible way. I can't even find myself attracted to someone unless they resemble you. You changed how I love, why I do, and what I do.

RE: TEREDA, THIS ONE'S ABOUT YOU: This is a New Year and I am here waiting for you.


KNOW THYSELF: I love you. Please don't pressure me to accept your transitioning. One day you will have to acknowledge that YOU came to NOT accept yourself, exactly the way you were/are beautifully created. Whoever hasn't accepted you (parents?...teachers?...mentors?), or if you decided yourself, you will have to do the work on that journey. Please stop pleading with me/us when we have loved you, as you were created, since your very first breath. Accept yourself and others for the beautiful creatures they have been from day one. Please grow. Don't change. A flower is a flower. A tree is a tree. The moon is the moon. There is beauty, naturally.


THE TALE OF TWO CITIES: The Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens is a mirror image of today's problems. It talks about the rise of Napolean Bonaparte during the French Revolution. The moral of the story is that things are not always as they seem. Listen to the opening line.

MIND CONTROL: During the Cold War after World War II, the CIA created Project MK-ULTRA to search for mind control techniques that could be weaponized against their enemies through brainwashing and psychological torture. They used numerous methods to manipulate its subjects' mental states and brain functions through various forms of torture such as electroshocks, hypnosis, isolation, sensory denial, high doses of psychoactive drugs, along with verbal and sexual abuse. After decades of experimentation these techniques have moved into the electronic version of mind control through social media outlets. The most basic form of mind control is repetition, and since thoughts become things, eventually, then having a self-awareness of your daily consciousness is basic. Be careful what you ask for, you just might get it.

700 AND COUNTING: Congratulations Coach Few on 700 wins!!!! You sir are an inspiration to us all. Well done!

PLOWING SPOKANE: After the big "storm" of 5.8 inches on Wednesday, the city did a great job of plowing the roads! What a mess that tremendously large amount of snow caused, and what a great job the plows did to get it all removed. As of the end of the week, I'm driving on snow-covered roads, but they're plowed. I wonder if there has ever been a study done showing how Spokane compares to comparably sized cities? I bet other comparably sized cities that have a lot more snow have a lot more difficult of a time getting that snow removed. Soon the rains will fall, the snow will be removed, and the "artists" can start scribbling on the new north-south freeway all over again.

SNOW SHOVELERS: Thanks to everyone who shoveled their sidewalks. It really made it clear how important it is to keep the walkways safe for everyone. Thank you!

7.5-MINUTE HEADWAYS: Cheers to the City Line, which now comes every 7.5 minutes during the busiest times of day. To the drivers of Spokane: Traffic isn't in your way — you ARE the traffic!

RE: ZERO EMISSIONS CARS: I'm convinced. I'm going to buy a coal-powered truck because 40% of our electricity comes from fossil fuels. Because the world is black and white, and I refuse to think on my own.

RE: DOWNTOWN PARKING: If the city would just let one more historic building be demolished for another parking lot, everything would be OK.


HABIT: Hey Ryan. Did you leave that job because of your bad behavior? How about you work on changing that bad habit instead of regularly changing employers? It'll serve you and your family well. Put that energy where it will serve those around you, positively. Jerks are jerks wherever they go, until they work to not be a jerk. You can do it. It's your responsibility. Only yours.

SHOVEL YOUR SNOW: Jeers to the downtown brewery for not maintaining the sidewalk around the property. Why lease this property if you have no desire to maintain it? City ordinance (SMC 12.01.010) requires business owners to keep sidewalks clear of snow and safe. Please have some consideration for your neighbors and especially for anyone disabled trying to navigate around your business.

IOWA: Iowa has six electoral votes. Washington state has 12. Iowa has 28 million pigs, and 56,000 acolytes voted in the caucus for the Second Coming of the Anointed One. The media goes crazy after six months covering this state. The coverage is local, national and international. On to New Hampshire. No Debates. The campaign is over, but the coverage is oppressive.

SPOKANE DRIVERS SUCK! Dearest Spokane Drivers, why don't you pay attention to the news and law enforcement every once in awhile? Are you really THAT stupid? Despite warnings from both about the severe weather and driving, you still were speeding down snow covered and slick roads, tailgaiting, passing illegally, and other assortments of bad and odd behavior. As a result, there were many accidents with many lawyers eagerly anticipating significant lawsuits yet again. What is the hurry, dummy? When the roads are bad, SLOW DOWN! Spokane: Near Nature. Near the Dumbest of Drivers!

DAMN I WISH YOU WOULD STOP: "Damn I Wish I Was Your Lover." Please. End this saga. It is not as cute as you think. Exchange numbers or email or social media profiles or... get a room?

PAY ATTENTION, SPOKANE VALLEY: It's honestly quite comical what people pay attention to these days but willfully ignore right in their backyard. Most of you ignored Matt Shea and his blatant antics. If someone says they are "conservative," you take them at face value; but if someone tells you through telephone that someone is a "progressive" or a Democrat, you do everything in your power to destroy someone. Without any research and even when faced with truth of the opposite, you continue to drag those people and attack them as if they personally hurt you. The people who claim they are conservative and shout it from the rooftops *hint* most likely aren't. Check their voting history. You'll be shocked to know how many taxes they've actually voted for or how many times they have put Spokane Valley's best interests on the back burner. When will you all WAKE UP and do your research and stop electing liars? Pay attention. Hope you like your new taxes and extremist agendas.

INCONSIDERATE: NO, I cannot go around you if you're blocking the whole aisle with your carts. Pretty sure you wouldn't want me to just run you both over either. You're all so inconsiderate of people around you, and then act like I'm in the wrong. GET OUT OF THE WAY! You are NOT the only person in this store, in this city, on this planet!

WHAT'S A CHURCH FOR ANYWAY? Our latest climate change cold snap hit Spokane hard. Many people were having to weather it in the streets and the city reached out to our churches for help. Only a handful stepped up to live the teachings of "loving thy neighbor" and "doing unto others." Why did the city even need to ask? Shouldn't our congregations be leading by example? When you say to your brothers, "Go in peace, be warmed and filled," without giving them the things needed for the body, what good is that? Claiming righteousness while closing doors to those in need might be a reason people are leaving the faith in droves. Maybe it's time churches lose their tax exempt status if their good works aren't visible when people need help the most.

UN-UNITED: It's no longer the United States. It hasn't been united in a long time.

DEMOCRATS: What is the point of having a 2024 presidential election? Just saw a Bigfoot, riding a unicorn and chasing Elvis who voted for Biden in 2020.♦

Mark as Favorite

Kaleidoscope @ Gonzaga University Magnuson Theatre

Thu., Feb. 13, 3:30 p.m., Fri., Feb. 14, 3:30 p.m. and Sat., Feb. 15, 3:30 & 7:35 p.m.
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