ROCKET BAKERY ON 14TH: Sunday afternoon Feb. 18. You were sitting in the back corner having coffee with an older gentleman. I (multicolored hat, blue coat) came in and sat near the window reading. I felt like we made eye contact a few times when I was in line, and I thought you were cute and had a kind face. Maybe we could meet up for coffee sometime?RE: GONZAGA PITA PIT: Thank you so much for the ego boost and the bragging rights! I am currently in a committed relationship and am quite happy with it. I am always in the market for friends though! Never be afraid to start a friendly conversation with me. Sincerely, 6 in a good day Pita Pit worker.
SERENDIPITY: We watched Serendipity together and one other film in the brief, unforgettable time we loved each other. All these years later, "Here Without You," though, it feels more like themes from The Bridges of Madison County or The Notebook, and you know I know not every story has a happy ending. Still, it would be fun to hit the breweries together and run through Spokane, like Tag. I just want to say I'd give anything to be your Valentine, to float in a boat on Priest Lake, voyage to Paris, and just remember how it feels to be so utterly and entirely captivated just talking to you, toujours ... C'est moi, just saying bonjour, and sharing this quote from Ferdinand in "The Tempest," by William Shakespeare: "Hear my soul speak: The very instant that I saw you did my heart fly to your service..."MADNESS OF CROWDS: Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds was written in 1841 on economic bubbles and other stupidities of mankind. It is a study of crowd psychology. The Tulip Mania, South Sea Bubble and witch hysteria of the 16th and 17th centuries were exaggerated and based on folklore. While this sort of behavior has been noted for centuries, most folks don't heed the warnings. Exactly what's happening today.
RE: ACROSS-THE-STATE TEAMMATE: Thank you very much, friend! Say hello to Nasty Man for us!
YOU MADE IT: Kids!! You did it. You've made it through a difficult part of your journey, with strength, dignity, grace and not-too-much angsty backlash! You are 23 and 26. You've been through a living nightmare. Your grandfather is correct. Your Father has N.P.D. There is zero doubt, and not you nor anyone or thing can "love" him out of being who he is. Understand, it is not you, nor was it your mom when she was there, nor is it ANY of "those" whom he has blamed. Those who you've known on this path are still wandering about, but no longer wondering. His violent ragings at friends, family, coworkers, loved-ones, etc. are patterns of that personality. There is MUCH free information online to help you understand. Don't blame yourselves. He taught you those bad patterns. Don't repeat the cycle. It's dangerous to you and yours. We miss you. We love you.
RESPONSE TO 'ROSALIA'S TRAIL HATERS' Maintained and public trails are really nice, especially if I'm toting my kids along. Yet I don't really like the idea of our town getting busier, more modernized and homogeneous (in the name of progress) with all the people who don't have a connection to our culture and community here as it begins turning into a tourist site through this project. Sure it is hard to find work, but tourism is such a fake culture, I'd rather keep the status quo as well as the peace and quiet we still have. Let's leave the landowners alone so they can continue or begin to build their livelihood, which is so tied up in privacy. If we begin making small or large swathes of private property public, so much can be lost through this paradigm of "recreational" land. I would love to see our ideas of private property further develop into models that Sweden still has, but it will be a long time before we fix the degeneration of our society so we can adopt such a model safely.
CHEERING COMPETENCY: You're on a plane that's experiencing an emergency. Both the pilot and co-pilot are incapacitated. The only other people on board are an elderly gentleman who's flown planes most of his adult life, and a group of whining 2-year-olds who can't manage their own dirty diaper business. The experienced older gentleman wants to save everyone. The self-centered babies might eventually grow up and become educated. Who do you choose to fly the plane?
GONZAGA BASKETBALL: It's nice to see Zags women's basketball team get some more recognition that they deserve. For years, it's been all about men's basketball, which was nice when they were a Cinderella team but has gotten really old recently. Since the men's team may not even be good enough to make it to the NCAA tournament this year, it will be a great year to follow and support the women's team. Great job, team! Great coaches too!
STA: I live across a busy street on a bus route. STA consistently comes by and cleans up the bus stops. Ugh, and some of the messes they have to clean up :/ I feel awful. However, thanks for keeping the street and bus stop looking clean daily!
THE HOUSTON SOLUTION: Here we go! Let's throw a bunch of money at the problem. Just like Houston. Unfortunately, we lack a very important ingredient that will allow us to instigate the Houston Solution, we don't have OIL MONEY. Instead of throwing our limited money down a rat hole, we should improve our roads and infrastructure to aid the people who work and pay the freight around here. As for the homeless, I call for a different Houston Solution. Stop the services. The more you provide, the more show up for the handout. Cold? Cruel? No, just common sense. Send them all to Houston, better weather, better services, way more money. Round up our homeless veterans and moms with kids and work with them locally. But for the rest, I suggest a bus ticket out of town.
RE: CENTENNIAL TRAIL PARKING: The problem with the post complaining about people who park their vehicles illegally along the Centennial Trail/bike trail on Upriver Drive is that those who do so can't read. So, they won't be reading the complaints. Law enforcement should just ticket the vehicle. In the event, the ticket isn't paid and gets ticketed again for the same or similar infraction, the vehicle should be removed from the owner and impounded. If the offender isn't able to pay the tickets and fees for impounding the vehicle, it should be auctioned off to the highest bidder, and the proceeds used to clean up all the junk along the river. Spokane: near nature. Near junk.
RE: JOLTIN' JOE: You're post is as bad as a Biden gaffe and/or a Kamala word salad. Your intelligence was left at home when you brilliantly thought to write the Inlander.
THE BUS WILL WIN: Jeers to the drivers who make right turns in front of a bus when they are stopped. I have witnessed this extremely dangerous behavior three times in the last month. The first time I saw this stupidity the car nearly hit me while I was crossing the street, with the light, in a crosswalk. Last week a woman's nearly new car was smashed. What could possibly be so important that you think it's OK or safe to turn in front of a bus?
TAX DOLLARS AT WORK: I needed an answer to a question, so I stopped by the police station on Sprague. Had to go through the security and down dress, went to the window to talk to the officer who's sitting. Then he says you have to call Crime Check! Isn't he a crime check officer? REALLY??
DID THAT REALLY HAPPEN? It would be interesting to look into the future and see what historians will write about this period of time concerning the once venerable Republican Party. No doubt they will be scratching their heads and saying, "What were they thinking?" Also, wouldn't be nice to hear CMR, now that she is not seeking reelection, to actually honestly come out and say something of substance and heartfelt particularly about her party and its current state and the people in charge?
RE: 'EVERYONE KNOWS' This is one of the most ignorant things I have seen written in this section. Saying that because everyone knows that Fentanyl can be deadly in one dose, we shouldn't waste narcan on those who continue to use it, is one of the most ignorant, unintelligent, and heartless things I have ever heard. Addiction is a disease that many have lost so much of their lives to. It can be from a variety of substances, from alcohol to nicotine, to any number of legal or illegal drugs. They all start out as coping mechanisms for something in our lives, and for some, it becomes a vicious cycle that they can't control anymore, despite the risks, it's become a physical and mental dependency. And many don't know how to get out of that cycle, or don't have the resources to. So before you say ignorant things like this, try having some empathy for those people, remember that they are people just like you and me, and do any kind of research to have an idea of what you're talking about, before condemning them with such callousness.
SPOKANE AIMS FOR ZERO ROADWAY DEATHS... Here let me help you save $400,000. Start enforcing traffic laws again. They stopped a few years ago, and the deaths have gone up ever since. You're welcome. ♦