by Inlander Staff
A Big Boo-Boo --- Well, the not-so-eternal shock of the terrorist attacks of 9/11 must have certainly worn off, given the brouhaha over an exposed breast courtesy of the not-so-talented Janet Jackson and the similarly incompetent Jason Timberlake during the worst Super Bowl halftime show ever. And now, well... gee... the FCC is involved in some kind of "investigation" while NFL and network officials offer a parade of apologies and promise to reform something.
If anyone should be upset over a relative non-event subsequent to a really lousy show, it should be the fact that an over-produced halftime binge proved that the lowest common denominator of entertainment has arrived for all to see and hear at once if one is so inclined to digest the stinky turd that is today's pop music.
Most involved in this garbage synched it rather than expose whatever legitimate "pipes" they might have. As for the dancing, I witnessed better footwork as displayed by Muhammad Ali when he lit the Olympic torch some years back.
But it could have been worse. Brother Michael could have shown up and exposed what's left of his face.
Robert Glenn
Spokane, Wash.
How Low Will It Go? -- We hear wonderment why other countries don't like the United States and the Muslim-dominated countries despise us. Seek no further. Our continuously declining moral standards have been fully displayed.
MTV and CBS, what a combination! CBS just "barely" missed showing more of Janet Jackson than most of us want to see, and most certainly not our youngsters! If the male who obviously was going to pee his pants because he spent most of his performance holding his genitals and the dance by Jackson and her partner, which imitated a heifer in heat being pursued by an immature bull, gave us the "best" now being offered by the entertainment world on the most highly watched sports event by families of the year, a new low in "lowbrow" has been reached. Thank God for Country Music Television.
Topping these was the gross ad, which depicted a horse emitting a ball of gas into the face of a female. Wonder what our feminist community will have to say about that?
William H. Allison
Medical Lake, Wash.
The Coverage of Cleavage -- Up and down the radio dial today, conservative Republicans are taking great umbrage at the Super Bowl halftime show. Yes, my friends, breasts do exist. Actually, I'm confused as to their great consternation; being a dumb 'ol Democrat. I saw the show and thought the young lady's breast was not only very fair, but also for the most part, balanced.
Bill Crossman
Spokane, Wash.
Final Bow -- For two years, Robin Stanton and crew have done an amazing job at bringing first-class theatre to Spokane. As her contract comes to an end, Interplayers faces an uncertain future. For all those who have enjoyed the productions of Interplayers, now would be a great time to let them know what a great time they've had.
James Jarvis
Spokane, Wash.
Votes Are Voices -- This year's presidential election will be a very important one for the youth of our nation. Presently, we are involved in at least three wars: Iraq, Afghanistan and the War on Terrorism. President Bush is also involved in making changes to our domestic policies that have long-term ramifications for our children. No matter your political affiliations, it is undeniable that President Bush has polarized our nation and world.
In a recent speech, Vice President Cheney has indicated that the United States can look forward to decades of war -- with many fronts and without clear boundaries or objectives. In all likelihood, we'll be required to invade other nations preemptively, as we did in Iraq. This is a doctrine expressed by the Project for the New American Century (see for their policy statements). Vice President Cheney and numerous members of the Bush administration have been involved with this project and advocate strong military intervention where they deem necessary and at America's discretion.
With our present troop strength, the draft will undoubtedly need to be reinstituted. Now, more than ever, everyone should urge their children who are coming into draft age to vote. This time, unlike Vietnam, they have the opportunity and responsibility to voice their opinion where it can make a difference - at the polling booth.
Andy Stricker
Cloverdale, Ore.
What "Economic Growth?" -- I recently spent a weekend with my son showing how easily money comes and how easily it goes. I demonstrated to him the harsh reality of life that he will inevitably face upon graduation from school.
For this particular weekend we went out both job hunting for him and paying bills. I proceeded to give him what I make from work and had him go and pay all the household bills, deciding for himself which bills should be paid, in the event we could not cover them all. He didn't do too badly after I explained to him which ones I considered more important than others.
But as for the job hunt, my son's future looks very bleak. Here are his options:
1. Work three jobs to make ends meet and continue to live at home.
2. Continue on with education, but go into debt with college costs after he finishes college, in the hopes that the economy will do better five years from now.
3. Join our armed services.
4. Relocate to some far-off country and seek employment there.
Everywhere we went, all we heard was, "sorry, we're not hiring"; "sorry, we're closing or relocating"; "sorry, we're down-sizing" Everywhere we went, all I saw was "For Rent," "Leasing," and "Going out of business" or "Relocating" signs.
If we are experiencing economic growth and jobs are springing up everywhere -- as is being proclaimed by some elected officials -- then why isn't it happening here? Let's stop the bickering about which party deserves to be in office for the next four years, and let's start answering and solving the problems of how we're going to take care of the next set of graduates who will be seeking employment this summer.
J.L. Rodiguez
Spokane, Wash.
Publication date: 02/12/04