I have family coming over to my house. For Christmas, we decorate the tree together, make dinner together, and sit down and just enjoy food, and just, like, enjoy each other's company. And then I like making little annual family vlogs.
How did family vlogs become a tradition?
I did a few when I was younger; I was obsessed with YouTube.
I think one of my favorite holiday traditions for Christmas is Christmas Eve. My mom always lets us open up one [gift], and it's always a new set of matching PJs. So that's super fun because we all wear them on Christmas, and then I wear them throughout the year. I just wore my Charlie Brown Christmas ones last night.
It's pretty simple, we kind of just go to my grandma's house and then we'll cook and decorate and just enjoy each other's company.
What makes the holidays special for you?
Seeing my family.
For Thanksgiving, I usually go to our mom's side of the family in LA and hang out with cousins. We all like to bring a dish to the big dinner, and it kind of rotates like who hosts. I think this year we're literally just bringing nonalcoholic beverages, which is the easiest thing to do.
So after Christmas Eve mass, my family and I all go to dinner together.
Is there a certain restaurant your family likes to go to every year?
We try to switch it up. We traditionally always went to Olive Garden, but I think recently nobody wants to go to Olive Garden. So we like to try to switch it up to just a new place.