Friday, September 3, 2010


Posted By on Fri, Sep 3, 2010 at 12:19 PM

A series of simple, stylish posters from local designer Aaron Schaber for the third annual one-night art-splosion, Terrain. The group organizing the event is still taking submissions for all-things-creative (art/music/video/etc) on the Terrain website. Submissions for the event are due by Saturday, Sept. 10 at midnight. Terrain 3 will be held on Friday, Oct. 1 at the Music City Building (where it was last year).

On and off over the past few years, we've featured awesome local poster art in our "I <3 Poster Art" column. And though that feature has disappeared in the paper version of The Inlander (for good reason: too many shows to list), we're happy to revive it here on Bloglander! [Poster artists, please send your designs to leahs [at] inlander [dot] com].

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Mild Riders Tuesday Night Rides @ Lunarium

Tuesdays, 6 p.m. Continues through Sept. 26
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Michael Bowen

Michael Bowen is a former senior writer for The Inlander and a respected local theater critic. He also covers literature, jazz and classical music, and art, among other things.