Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Go around On my bike commute into work this morning, I was yelled at by a construction worker. Apparently, I got in the way. Well, not as in the way as they are on Second Avenue at both Monroe and Lincoln streets, both of which are closed today due to repaving. And all week, entire intersections will be closed. Jeez, y'all. When are you done? Oh, right. November. (KREM)
The Thunderdome Spokane County Commissioners will likely confirm tonight where they want to place the proposed new jail. After months and years of blah-blah-blah, higher-ups picked a beautiful spot in Medical Lake, right on Interstate 90. Expect a big (dissenting) crowd at this meeting, even though no public testimony will be allowed. (SR)
You don't have to turn on the red light Or the camera that's attached to them, 'cause I run red lights all the time. The Spokane City Council voted last night to extend the city's Photo Red program through November 2013. The program is credited with issuing 14,500 citations since its inception in 2008. At $124 a pop, that's $1.8 million in traffic fines. Yowza! (KXLY)
We're broke, got it Surprise! The Census Bureau says Idaho and Washington residents are poorer than last time they checked. (SR)
Will you not marry me? And other Census numbers show young folks aren't tying the knot like they used to. Why? Because love is dead... or something about women in the work force, formal unions other than marriage, and other not-as-dramatic stuff. (WSJ)
Tags: morning headlines , News