Thursday, October 21, 2010

As we predicted ... NYT on megaloads

Posted on Thu, Oct 21, 2010 at 1:38 PM

As we mentioned in "Roll On" in this week’s Inlander, the New York Times has indeed weighed in on the controversy surrounding oil companies seeking to ship oversized cargoes of mining gear through the narrow and twisty Highway 12 over Lolo Pass and on to the open pit tar sands projects in Alberta, Canada.

What’s really cool is that Spokane’s own Rajah Bose was hired to take the photos.

Here is a bit of the Times’ story, written by alternative energy and green business reporter Tom Zeller, Jr. Here, Zeller is quoting resident Lin Laughy, who has sued to stop the shipments:

“The companies say they have no plans to make this a permanent corridor,” he said. “But once the first shipment is allowed, what’s to stop the next one, and then the next one?”

Supporters of the shipments say they would inject millions of dollars into struggling rural economies along the route. “This wouldn’t be just an economic benefit for Lewiston,” said David Doeringsfeld, manager of the Port of Lewiston, “but for all of north-central Idaho.”

Mr. Doeringsfeld said he had been approached by several other companies interested in using the corridor.

 The full story is here.

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