Thursday, May 12, 2011

TRAILER THURSDAY: More good films than you'd expect edition

Posted By on Thu, May 12, 2011 at 2:41 PM

Wow, if the following indies and late arrivals are indicative of the summer film season we're about to have, then maybe it won't suck quite as bad as we predicted

Director Paul Feig (Freaks & Geeks, The Office) and producer Judd Apatow (Knocked Up, 40-Year-Old Virgin) team up to bring Kristen Wiig's script to the big screen. For those who saw The Hangover, get ready for the female counterpart, but with more of the dry, did-she-really-just-say-that kind of humor. We’re guessing Bridesmaids will follow the mishap-after-mishap formula until a heartfelt moment at the end when Wiig's protagonist finds her true self. Thoughts? (JH) Rated R | SHOWTIMES

Werner Herzog brings us to the Chauvet caves in southern France, where the oldest known human drawings have been hidden from the world — until now. If that doesn’t sound amazing enough, Herzog presents it all in eye-popping 3D. (JH) Rated G | SHOWTIMES

Will Ferrell is known as the loud, eccentric freak show who went streaking in Old School, who kept screaming “More cowbell!” and who took advantage of women at funerals. He's proven his comedic chops with SNL, but it is only when he takes a step back and quiets down that he is able to show how much he is worth to dramatic movies. We’re hoping Everything Must Go, a Raymond Carver adaptation, is Ferrell’s equal to Adam Sandler’s Punch-Drunk Love — with Ferrell acting instead of joking. (JH) Rated R | SHOWTIMES

The promotion for this movie would have you believe that it’s about a burnout van-dwelling headbanger (Joseph Gordon-Levitt), and while that’s a teensy part of the plot, Hesher is about a lot more. The loner rocker helps pull a young boy and his grieving family out of the dumps and into reality. And that’s something no one would ever really expect from a hesher in real life … right? (LS) Magic Lantern only. Rated R. | SHOWTIMES

Anyone who saw Legion knows Paul Bettany is good at killing the supernatural. He was an angel in that one, and he’s a priest here, killing vampires for this 3D extravaganza. (Note: He was a priest in The Da Vinci Code, too! This guy!) Those blood-sucking beasts don't know what they're in for. (JH) Rated PG-13 | SHOWTIMES

Bees are vital for producing our food, so what would happen if the world’s honeybees started to die? This documentary takes a closer look at disappearing hive populations. We'll see the good that they do and then see what would happen to the sustainability of our food if they became extinct. We’re betting that this is the next An Inconvenient Truth, showing us what needs to be done to protect the survival of human beings. (JH) Magic Lantern only. Not rated | SHOWTIMES

A character-driven film from the Netherlands. During World War II, a British soldier crash-lands behind enemy lines and a 14-year-old named Michael helps him hide from the Nazis. Michael struggles with his relationship with his father, and now he has a new weight on his shoulders. The cinematography makes this period piece look haunting. It deserves a look from any fan of the human story. (JH) Rated R | SHOWTIMES

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Luke Baumgarten

Luke Baumgarten is commentary contributor and former culture editor of the Inlander. He is a creative strategist at Seven2 and co-founder of Terrain.