Tuesday, May 31, 2011


Posted on Tue, May 31, 2011 at 8:47 AM

Lewiston man counterfeits money for sex, drugs — A Lewiston man was sentenced to prison for using fake money and drugs to lure underage girls for sex. (KREM)

Idaho intruder shot in crotch — A man from North Idaho was shot in the groin by the owner of a home he had broken into. His friends say he was drunk and thought he was entering his friend's house. (SR) 

Idaho ponders joining rest of nation — Idaho is one of three states without felony penalties for perpetrators of the worst animal cruelty. But maybe not for long: A citizens group is collecting signatures for an initiative that would change that. (AP) 

Locke to China, Bryson in Commerce — With former Washington Gov. Gary Locke heading to China as ambassador, his post of commerce secretary is up for grabs. As such, President Obama has nominated John Bryson, a businessman with "environmental bona fides," to fill the position. (Atlantic Wire) 

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