Monday, July 8, 2013

New Year's resolution fulfilled: Pearl Jam is coming to the Spokane Arena

Posted By on Mon, Jul 8, 2013 at 10:19 AM

Back at the end of 2012, in the throes of end-of-year retrospectives, the Inlander music section instead looked forward with New Year’s resolutions for the Spokane music scene:


Well, really any big rock act that could fill the Spokane Arena will do, but if they can get Pearl Jam, that would be excellent. There are a lot of reasons Pearl Jam wouldn’t play here, the first of which being the fact that they are based in Seattle and people in Spokane can easily go there if and when they decide to play. But here’s my point: the Spokane Arena should resolve to have some sort of massive concert experience each year that would cross the sort of demographical lines they’ve already begun to explore. It would be a risk and booking rock acts is a notoriously difficult task complete with contractual obligations, but wouldn’t it be rad to have a huge rock show at the Arena? That canceled Van Halen show was a start, but let’s get freaking Pearl Jam — perhaps the greatest continually touring American rock band of all time — to play here. — Mike Bookey, Inlander culture editor and devoted Pearl Jam fan

It turned out to be quite the prediction: Pearl Jam is coming to the Spokane Arena on Nov. 30. Tickets are $70 and go on sale July 27.

Recently, Bookey pointed out that the arena’s been announcing some impressive shows since the whole Bon Jovi renaming stunt and resulting kerfuffle. Nine Inch Nails? Macklemore and Ryan Lewis? Not bad at all.

But this is a completely different level, near and dear to Bookey’s heart. So it is with much sadness that we realized he’s out taking the day off and unavailable to write this post himself. But, wherever he may be when he hears the news, we can imagine his joy and swagger. Get pumped, Spokane — there’s less than half of 2013 left and it would be great if we’re forced to completely rewrite the music resolutions for next year.

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Lisa Waananen

Lisa Waananen is the web editor and a staff writer at the Inlander. She specializes in data and graphics, and her recent cover stories have been about family history, the legacy of Spokane photographer Charles A. Libby and genetically modified food...