Tuesday, October 15, 2013

MORNING BRIEFING: Cursive back in class, earthquake hits Philippines, ‘Charlotte’s Web’ celebrates b-day

Posted By on Tue, Oct 15, 2013 at 10:11 AM


Enrollment numbers in health coverage through Washington state's online exchange have nearly tripled since last week, proving it healthy. (Inlander)

The Spokane valley teen driver in a crash that killed two University High students two weekends ago could be charged with vehicular homicide. (KXLY)

Spokane Public Schools will begin teaching cursive again among other “old-school” things, in a plan to get back to basics and improve test scores. (S-R)


Shockingly, the federal government is still shut down, but here’s a little something to cheer you up (suggested by our resident cat lady, Chey Scott). (Catster)


A magnitude-7.1 earthquake hit the Philippines this morning in the central part of the country. At least 67 people are dead and 164 more are injured. (CNN)

Happy Birthday to the children’s classic Charlotte’s Web, which was published on October 15, 1952. (BP)

Is the world ready for a smart watch? Samsung is hoping it will be the next big thing. (ST)

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Laura Johnson

Laura Johnson was the Inlander's music editor from 2013-2017.