Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Google, NORAD launch Santa trackers

Posted By on Tue, Dec 24, 2013 at 3:19 PM

With Christmas Eve turning to Christmas Day around the world, Google has launched a real-time Santa Claus tracker that follows the jolly old elf as he delivers gifts across the globe. As of 3 pm, Santa had delivered more than 4.6 billion gifts as he passed through Frankfurt, Germany.

Using Santa's Dashboard, you can see where Mr. Kringle has just left with a timer counting down to his next destination. It also includes status updates such as, "Still smiling!" or "I'm getting a little too big for these chimneys!"

The tracker allows you to click cities for details on Santa's estimated time of arrival as well as weather information. An animated Santa indicates whether he is currently in transit or actively off-loading gifts. 

The dashboard also includes a variety of hidden surprises and festive statistics.

So keep an eye out as Santa prepares to cross the Atlantic and make his way into homes throughout North America overnight.

For the traditional Santa tracking over at NORAD, click here. The site includes a variety of 3-D maps, games and music. 

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Jacob Jones

Staff writer Jacob Jones covers criminal justice, natural resources, military issues and organized labor for the Inlander.