Grab some hot cocoa and snuggle up by the fire with a copy of this
Snowlander. Alissia Blackwood Mead designed this week's cover and we wanted to know how the idea came about.
The Inlander: What inspired this cover? Bad Christmas sweaters?
Alissia Blackwood Mead: YES! Sort of. We were thinking about
Snowlander merch ideas, and we said, "Wouldn't it be cool to get sweaters knitted?" But that's prohibitively expensive. So I thought we could print the design of knitting on T-shirts. In the process of working that idea out, I thought it would make an amazing cover instead — so that's when we pitched it to you. After that I had to study knitted patterns all over Pinterest, and create a vector-knit-patterned cover by changing each individual stitch to create the patterns I wanted. My favorite part are the deer. They're a little dopey and cute.
So you basically "knit" this cover digitally?
Pretty much. I actually think knitting is faster.
Do you knit?
I've dabbled — but I've only ever succeeded in making some wonky dishcloths. I can crochet, though.
So if we made these sweaters, would you wear one?
Totally. Every single day.