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Washington is approaching the one-year anniversary of I-502 kicking in and making recreational marijuana stores legal in the state. We're currently working on some stories to commemorate the birthday, and as part of that we're asking readers to
share some stories from the first year of legalization, and to
take a survey about their marijuana habits (including not using it at all).
Please help us out! You can
click right here to take our quick and easy 15-question survey. It's totally anonymous, although you can share your email with us if you're willing to chat with a reporter for a potential story
And you can
click right here to tell us any unusual, funny or scary stories from the first year of legalized weed in Washington. Again, totally anonymous, although we'll need your email to verify your story.
As added incentive, we'll be picking four people at random from our survey to win $25 gift cards to local restaurants from among the folks who share their email with us.