Thursday, August 27, 2015

A first look at Macklemore & Ryan Lewis' new Spokane-shot video "Downtown"

Posted By on Thu, Aug 27, 2015 at 10:42 AM

That Macklemore and Ryan Lewis music video shot by North by Northwest in downtown Spokane last month premiered Thursday morning. The song is called "Downtown," and it features mopeds, 1970s looks, Ken Griffey Jr. and — best of all — Spokane.

Watch for yourself, but here's all the Spokane locations we caught:
  1. The first shot of white-bricked building is the side of The Globe on Division and Pine (here's what it looked like as they shot it). 
  2. That well-featured moped store is Northtown Auto Liquidators at Division and Garland.
  3. Macklemore tagged (think street art, not popping tags, a la "Thrift Shop") in the graffiti alley behind the Crescent Warehouse between Lincoln and Monroe. 
  4. The Fox Theater, looking like it's straight out of 1973. 
  5. The video cuts back and forth between the Parkade and atrium behind the downtown Rite Aid store — that's where we caught them dropping it low in July (and by dropping it low, I mean his dancers drop it low and Macklemore looks a little awkward). 
  6. Cruising down East Sprague, just like a Spokanite should. 
  7. The bus is outside the now-defunct Mayfair Cafe at Washington and Second. 
  8. IS THAT KEN GRIFFEY JR. in fake Pike Place Market?! (Yes.) 
  9. Roman-turned-American moto-chariot man comes out from under a train overpass in west downtown on Cedar, just south of the Rocket Bakery. 
  10. Boots and Zola on West Main are pretty clearly shown — also lookin' a little more '70s than 2015. 
  11. Main and Howard. 
  12. The crooner of the chorus dances outside the boarded-up Otis Hotel, and the crowds begin to gather outside the Montvale Hotel.
  13. Finally, the epic scene of Spokanites celebrating Downtown with Macklemore is on First Avenue, headed West toward Browne's Addition. 
Did we miss any of your favorite featured spots? Let us know! 

Macklemore is performing live on the MTV VMAs Sunday at 9 pm, presumably including the live premiere of "Downtown." 

Spokanites are happy to see their city looking so good (albeit a little rough around the edges) — perhaps this is the best tourism video Spokane hasn't made, until now?

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