Wednesday, September 30, 2015

We've almost arrived at Back to the Future II day

Posted By on Wed, Sep 30, 2015 at 2:20 PM

Anyone worth their weight in celluloid knows that October 21, 2015, was the date that Marty McFly traveled to in Back to the Future II to help his future son stay out of trouble. And of course he effed things up royally by trying to buy a sports almanac and take it back to pre-Draft Kings 1985 to rake in some sweet cash for Jeeps and amplifiers and stuff. But I digress.

In honor of our Official Arrival into the Future, we would like to invite you to the next installment of our Suds and Cinema Series on, of course, Wednesday, Oct. 21, 2015, when we'll be showing, of course, Back to the Future II at the Bing Crosby Theater. The doors open at 6 pm, at which point we'll be pouring beers from No-Li Brewhouse, the event's chosen local brewery, and at 7:30 we'll get the flick rolling.

I'll just cut to the chase that we will not have any hoverboards on hand, mostly because science has failed us, leaving  the only existing hoverboards in the hands of rappers.

But to make up for that shortcoming we will, however, have a DeLorean on hand! You can take your picture with it, too!

Sadly, this DeLorean is not of the flying variety that Back to the Future II promised us because, again, science has failed to catch up with the imagination of the late 1980s.

Come dressed as your favorite BTTF character (from any film in the trilogy) and you'll have the chance to win a flux capacitor for your car.

We'll see you on the 21st. Here's the official Facebook invite with even more details.

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Mike Bookey

Mike Bookey was the Inlander's culture editor from 2012-2016. He previously held the same position at The Source Weekly in Bend, Oregon.