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Mayor David Condon's claims about his administration's honesty have not aged well.
It depends on what the meaning of the word "lodged" is
When the
Inlander asked Mayor David Condon if any sexual harassment complaints had been lodged against former Police Chief Frank Straub he gave a flat "no." Well, if you define lodge as to "present (a complaint, appeal, claim, etc.) formally to the proper authorities" then
technically, no complaint was
formally presented.
Spokesman-Review Shawn Vestal isn't letting Condon off the hook:
That was a technical truth quacking like a lie. No formal complaint was filed, but the mayor had long since assigned an investigation into Cotton’s assertion that Straub had inappropriately touched and talked to her, and taken steps to prevent her from filing a claim against the city.
And now, guess what? The mayor of transparency and accountability – the guy who ran on a promise of cleaning up the police department – isn’t answering any questions. His spokesman, Brian Coddington said, “The records speak for themselves.”
Boy, do they. And what they say is this: Faced with a credible accusation of sexual harassment against the police chief he hired to restore credibility to the department, Condon attempted to hide it – to pay the victim and leave the alleged offender right where he was, supervising other women.
the whole thing.
All power is finally restored.
Praise be unto
Thanksgiving Feast
Avista crews, incidentally,
worked through Thanksgiving. KREM reports at least one lineman got free donuts and cookies from grateful neighbors as a result.
Guild Quest
KXLY dives into how the Spokane Guild School
helps families with disabilities.
Sanctions on Russia's Christmas wishlist
The Kremlin says "no thanks" to
Turkey helping
In brightest day, on blackest Friday
Yet another American cultural product wins European love:
Black Friday.
Donald Trump appeared to mock a
New York Times reporter for his disability. Now,
he wants an apology. Trump, to be clear, is the one who wants the apology. From the
New York Times.