Thursday, September 28, 2017

Don't skip lunch, flu season's here, the world is running out of antibiotics

Posted By on Thu, Sep 28, 2017 at 2:51 PM

click to enlarge Don't skip lunch, flu season's here, the world is running out of antibiotics
A World Health Organization report confirms that the world is running out of antibiotics. "Antimicrobial resistance is a global health emergency that will seriously jeopardize progress in modern medicine," says the WHO Director-General.

Get some lunch!
Ever noticed that not eating lunch can lead to, shall we say, extreme eating later in the day? "Skipping — or scrimping on — meals can lead to overeating later on when steadily growing hunger reaches primal levels," says Seattle Times nutrition columnist Carrie Dennett. "I say it's time to take back lunch. Instead of stoically working through the lunch hour, eat your lunch (away from your desk, ideally), then go for a short walk, meditate, people watch, run an errand or start learning a new language (there are apps for that)."

Hello, flu season
If you were postponing getting a flu shot until October, you may want to go ahead and roll up your sleeve. There have already been several cases of the flu, including one hospitalization, in Spokane County. Last year, 315 Spokanites were hospitalized with flu-related complications; 14 of them died.

The Spokane Regional Health District has teamed up to offer free vaccines for kids at the following locations: CLICK HERE for information on where to get vaccines for adults.

Childhood vaccinations and flu shots for children:
Thursday, Oct. 12, 1-4 pm
Reardan Elementary, 245 S. Aspen

Tuesday, Oct. 17, 3:30-6 pm
Farwell Elementary, 13005 N. Crestline

Childhood vaccinations and flu shots for children and adults
(sponsored by the Rotary Club):

Tuesday, Oct. 24, 3:30-7:30 pm
Garfield Elementary, 222 W. Knox
Logan Elementary, 1001 E. Montgomery
Stevens Elementary, 1717 E. Sinto

Antibiotics in peril
As if there isn't enough bad news already, a new report from the World Health Organization confirms that "The world is running out of antibiotics." Among the issues: very few antibiotics are in development stages, and even fewer are designed to be given orally, a critical component for rapidly responding to an outbreak. "There is an urgent need for more investment in research and development for antibiotic-resistant infections, including TB, otherwise we will be forced back to a time when people feared common infections and risked their lives from minor surgery," says Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus of Ethiopia, who became the first African Director-General of the WHO earlier this year.

In InHealth: Read more about making the most of the antibiotics we currently have.

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Anne McGregor

Anne McGregor is a contributor to the Inlander and the editor of InHealth. She is married to Inlander editor/publisher Ted S. McGregor, Jr.